Getting Started

High Level Monitoring

The Hot Spot view allows the overall state of the MTM400 device and the stream to be viewed; each hotspot is appropriately labeled.

The color of the Hot Spot button indicates the error status of the item to which it is linked (see Color Coding, page 2-11).

In the Hot Spot view, the error state of the linked item is as follows:

ƒDevice - the highest error state of the MTM400 device.

ƒStream - the highest error state of the stream.

When you left-click a hot spot, the appropriate view opens: Device or Stream.

A detailed description of the user interface is provided in the Reference section of this manual.

Closing the Remote User Interface

Closing the original Internet Explorer window closes the RUI; the application windows close simultaneously.

MTM400 MPEG Transport Stream Monitor User Manual
