SCPI Commands for the VX4101A
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual 3–23
Table 3–1: Commands Available at Power-On (Cont.)
Command Syntax DescriptionCommand Type
STATus:QUEStionable:PTRansition? Status and Event
Reporting System Queries the Questionable
Positive Transition Filter for
the VX4101A
STATus:QUEStionable:NTRansition Status and Event
Reporting System Sets the Questionable Nega-
tive Transition Filter for the
STATus:QUEStionable:NTRansition? Status and Event
Reporting System Queries the Questionable
Negative Transition Filter for
the VX4101A
SYSTem:ERRor? VX4101A MultiPaq
Instrument Com-
Returns in first-in first-out
order any error messages
which have been queued for
any instruments
SYSTem:OPTions? VX4101A MultiPaq
Instrument Com-
Returns the options for which
the VX4101A is currently
SYSTem:READy? VX4101A MultiPaq
Instrument Com-
Queries for completion of the
power-on initialization se-
quence for all instruments
NOTE: Polling the instrument, i.e. querying it as fast as possible, might slow the completion of
the second initialization stage. You should have a delay of at least one second between
SYSTem:READy? queries.
SYSTem:SNUMber? VX4101A MultiPaq
Instrument Com-
This query returns the serial
number of the VX4101A
SYSTem:VERSion? VX4101A MultiPaq
Instrument Com-
Returns the firmware version
of the VX4101A
NOTE. Until initialization is complete, the VX4101A will recognize only the
commands listed above. Attempting to enter any other command will return a
Command Not Found Error.
Queries the mode in which the instrument returns responses in the Response
This query returns the next sequence number for Asynchronous Mode.