SCPI Commands for the Counter
3–102 VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
READ? Subsystem
The read query causes an INITiate:IMMediate action and a FETCh? query. See
the INITiate and FETCh command descriptions.
INITiate, FETCh?
SENSe Subsystem
The SENSe commands enable you to select the input channel, type of measure-
ment to be made and the manner in which it is made. It does not cause a
measurement to be made.
Only the SENSe:FUNCtion command has a SENSe suffix. This suffix will select
an input channel to be used for the FUNCtion. If a SENSe suffix is used on the
other SENSe commands, a “No suffix allowed error” will be set.
Implied Abort
The counter will perform an implied abort for a sense command that is received
during a measurement. The measurement in progress will be terminated and the
sense command will be executed.
The counter will not perform an implied abort for a sense query that is received
during a measurement.
SENSE:APERture <time>|DEFault|MINimum|MAXimum
SENSe:COUNt <array size>|DEFault|MINimum|MAXimum
SENSe:MODe <mode>
Command Syntax
Query Syntax
Query Response
*RST Value
Related Commands
Command Syntax