SCPI Commands for the SurePath Modules
3–272 VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
mode of a section has been set to “mux”, then a [ROUTe:]CLOSE command can
be used to close one or more relays in that section.
[ROUTe:]CLOSe:DWELl <module_name>,<nrf>
Sets the time to wait after closing a relay before proceeding and pulsing any
enabled VXI TTL trigger signals.
[ROUTe:]CLOSe:MODE <mode>,<module_name>,<section_list>
Sets the mode of operation of sections on a VX4330 to scan or mux. When this
command is received, all relays in the sections specified in the <section_list>
argument are opened. In the mux mode, one or more relays in a section may be
closed at the same time. When a relay is closed in a section that has been set to
scan mode, all relays in that section are opened before the relay is closed. If
several sections are set to operate in scan mode and the commons of these
sections are joined (see the [ROUTe:]CONFigure:JOIN command) then when a
relay is closed in any of the sections, all relays in all of the sections are opened
[ROUTe:]CONFigure <configuration>,<module_name>,<section_list>
Each section of a SurePath VX4330 Module may be configured as a 40-to-1
1-wire scanner, or as a 20-to-1 2-wire scanner, or as a 10-to-1 4-wire scanner.
Also, each section may be configured as a 10-to-1 4-wire scanner with indepen-
dent control of the upper and lower halves of the 4-wire common. The <configu-
ration> portion of this command indicates which of these configurations is
selected according to the following table:
<configuration> Configuration
OWIRE 40-to-1 1-wire scanner/mux
TWIRE 20-to-1 2-wire scanner/mux
FWIRE 10-to-1 4-wire scanner/mux
FWIRI 10-to-1 4-wire scanner/mux with independent control of the
upper and lower halves of the 4-wire common
The <module_name> argument of the command indicates to which module the
command is directed. The specified <module_name> is associated with a relay
module with a [ROUTe:]MODule:DEFine command.
The <section_list> argument indicates which sections of the selected module are
to be configured. All relays in the section(s) specified in this list are opened
when the [ROUTe:]CONFigure command is received.