SCPI Commands for the Counter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual 3–73
Command/Query Response/Description
CONF2:ARR:NDUT 1000,25 Configures the instrument to take 1000 negative duty cycle
measurements with a trigger point of 25% of the signal’s peak
on Channel 2.
CONFigure1: ARRay :Dcycle
100,50 Configures the instrument to take 100 positive duty cycle
measurements with a trigger point of 50% of the signal’s peak
on Channel 1.
CONF1:PHAS Configures the instrument to take a phase measurement from
channel 1 to channel 2.
CONF1:TINT:DEL:EVEN 100 Configures a time interval with delay measurement from
channel 1 to the 100th edge on channel 2.
CONFigure10:TOTalize Sets up the instrument to totalize channel 1 and the 1 GHz
CONFigure? “10:SCAL:TOT”
FETCh? Subsystem
The FETCh? subsystem is used to retrieve measurement results. If a measure-
ment or array of measurements haven’t completed, the VX4101 will delay the
read until the measurement(s) have completed unless <count> is less than or
equal to the number of measurements completed.
The results of some measurements can be returned as a different measure-
ment,such as frequency and period. If a frequency measurement was made, it can
be also be read back as a period by the command FETC:PER? If autotrigger is
ON or ONCE, voltages for the primary measurement channel can be read back.
If the measurement was an array measurement specified with commands such as
MEAS:ARR:func or CONF:ARR:func or SENS:func:COUN, the optional
parameters <count>, <start> and <step> apply.
The default value of <count> is the number of measurements requested for the
array. The default value of <start> is 1. The default value of <step> is 1. The
number of values returned is <count>. The first of the values returned is value
<start>. Then every <step> values after start are returned.
For instance, the command FETC? 4,3,2 will return four values starting with
value three and stepping 2 values. The values returned would be 3, 5, 7, and 9.
If the range of requested values is beyond the number of measurements, an error
will be generated and no values returned.
The format of the returned values varies with the measurement function and
whether it was an array measurement or not.