Index–2 VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
Time Interval measurement, 3–71, 3–98
Totalize measurement, 3–72
trigger sources, 3–39, 3–40, 3–42, 3–100
UNIT commands for, 3–114
used as a trigger source, 3–101
Using, 2–27
Voltage measurement, 3–72
Voltage measurements, 3–99
Current Measurement, with Digital Multimeter
(DMM), 2–46
DDC Volt Measurement
with Digital Multimeter (DMM), 2–44
With the Digital Multimeter (DMM), hardware tips,
Digital Multimeter (DMM), And low level DC
measurements, 2–42
Digital Input
CALibration commands, 3–119
CONFigure commands, 3–120
Description, 1–3
External output source and effect on input threshold,
FETCh? queries, 3–122
FORMat commands, 3–125
INSTrument Commands, 3–126
MEASure commands, 3–128
Programming steps, 2–34
Reading current input, 2–35
SCPI commands for, 3–115
Shared pins with Digital Output, 2–33
STATus queries, 3–137, 3–155
TEST commands, 3–138, 3–287
Using, 2–33
Digital Multimeter
Selecting the input impedance, 2–41
Using, 2–41
Using MEASure and CONFigure Commands, 2–41
Digital Multimeter (DMM)
and power line noise, 2–43
CALCulate commands for, 3–202
CALibrate commands for, 3–212
Calibration, G–1
Commands for, 3–197
CONFigure commands for, 3–218
Description, 1–4
Fast Data Channel (FDC) commands, 3–251
FETCh? queries for, 3–221
INITiate commands for, 3–223
INPut commands for, 3–224
INSTrument commands for, 3–225
Making a DC volt measurement with, 2–44
Making AC volt measurement, 2–44
Making current measurement, 2–46
Making two-wire resistance measurement with, 2–45
MEASure? queries for, 3–227
READ? queries for, 3–234
SCPI commands for, 3–197
SENSe commands, 3–235
Specifications, A–14
Status bit definitions, 3–137, 3–155, 3–178, 3–244
STATus queries, 3–243
TEST commands, 3–245
TRIGger commands, 3–246
Digital Output
FORMat commands, 3–149
INITiate commands, 3–150
INSTRument commands, 3–152
OUTPut commands, 3–153
Outputing a 32-Bit Word, 2–38
Outputting loops, 2–39
SCPI commands for, 3–147
TEST commands, 3–156, 3–233
TRACe commands, 3–157
TRIGger commands, 3–163
Using, 2–37
Digital to Analog Converter, Fast Data Channel (FDC)
commands, 3–193
Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)
and internal clock, 2–48
And number of segments in a sequence of
waveforms, 2–47
and output amplitude, 2–47
and sample value, 2–47
and waveform period, 2–47
FORMat commands for, 3–172
Generating waveforms with, 2–48
INITiate commands, 3–173
INSTrument commands, 3–174
number of output points, 2–47
OUTPut commands, 3–176
Programming a trace with, 2–53
Reading a trace from, 2–51
Shared functions for all channels, 2–48
STATus queries, 3–178
Terminating activities in progress, 3–175
TEST commands, 3–113, 3–179
TRACe commands, 3–180
TRIGger commands, 3–188
Trigger modes, 2–48
Using, 2–47
Using sample handshake mechanism, 2–52