SCPI Commands for the Digital Multimeter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual 3–223
The CONFigure commands are sublevel commands to the MEASure? com-
mands. They define the input configuration for a measurement without taking a
measurement. If desired, you can customize the configuration setups via the
lower level SENSe commands. The different input types you can set up are as
CONFigure([:SCALar|:ARRay)[:VOLTage]:AC[<Array Size>[,<Expected Val-
Sets up AC coupled, AC TRMS voltage measurements. The AC bandwidth is set
to slow mode.
CONFigure([:SCALar|:ARRay)[:VOLTage]:ACDC[<Array Size>[,<Expected Val-
ue>[,<Resolution>]]](<Array Size>[,<Expected Value>[,<Resolution>]]]
Sets up DC coupled, AC TRMS voltage measurements. The AC bandwidth is set
to slow mode.
CONFigure([:SCALar|:ARRay)[:VOLTage]:DC[<Array Size>[,<Expected Val-
Sets up DC voltage measurements.
CONFigure([:SCALar|:ARRay):CURRent[:DC](<Array Size>[,<Expected Val-
Sets up DC current measurements.
CONFigure([:SCALar|:ARRay):RESistance[<Array Size>[,<Expected Value>[,<Reso-
Sets up two-wire resistance measurements.
CONFigure([:SCALar|:ARRay):FRESistance[<Array Size>[,<Expected Value>[,<Res-
Sets up four-wire resistance measurements.
Related Commands
Command Description