VX4101A Operational Modes
2–6 VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
This format shows each instrument name in ASCII format. In the default, the
<tag> field is defined as follows:
<instrument name>:<canonical query string>
The <instrument name> is the same name which would be used by the
command INSTrument:SELect <instrument name>. For global queries not
associated with a specific instrument, the <instrument name> used is VX4101A.
The <canonical query string> is based upon the original query which generated
this response. The canonical form is the query string expanded to include all
default nodes, with each node represented in its short form in upper case ASCII.
For example, if the MEAS:FREQ? query had been issued to the Counter, the
response from the queue using this format would be:
Counter:MEAS:FREQ?", 1.00000000000000E+07
When the VX4101A is using the Asynchronous Protocol and the response queue
is empty, a VXI word serial read will cause the VX4101A to return a default
message. This ensures that a query will not tie up the VXI backplane.
The <response> field is identical to the query response returned by the
instrument under strict IEEE 488.2 enforcement.
NOTE. For queries taking a significant amount of time to return, it is possible to
use a software function, such as a service request generated by activity in the
SCPI Status registers, rather than polling for the response. This determines
when a response is available.
When there is no data in the response queue, the following response will be
generated in this mode:
When there is an overflow in the response queue, the following response will be
generated in this mode:
The second <tag> field format, which is selected with SYSTem:SNUMber:STATe
ON, is as follows:
<instrument number>:<sequence number>
The <instrument number> is the same number which would be used by the
command INSTrument:NSELect <instrument number>. For global queries not
associated with a specific instrument, the instrument number used is 0. The
sequence number is a one-up number assigned to a query as it is received by the
Sequence Name FormatSequence Number Format