SCPI Commands for the Digital Multimeter
3–246 VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User ManualNOTE. If data sampling is in progress, issuing a SENSE command for anyfunction of the configuration currently in effect, or issuing a SENSe:FUNCtioncommand will cause the acquisition to be aborted.The response is the specific requested Information
Command/Query Response/Description
DETector MAXimum Set Bandwidth to Maximum (100 kHz)
DETector? 100000
DETector DEF Set Bandwidth to Default (20 Hz)
DETector? 20
RANGe:UPPer 5 Sets the DC V range
sens:volt:range? 30<LF>
This is the rounded up range value
voltage:ac:aperture 0.5 Sets the AC V aperture value
sens:volt:ac:aper? 0.5<LF>
This is the aperture value
sense:volt:rps? 2<LF>
This is the number of readings per second
NPLCYCLES 120 Sets the DMM to 120 power line cycles
sens:curr:nplc? 120<LF>
sens:curr:a? 2<LF>
Modifying the power line automatically modifies the aperture;
the converse is also true
Sense:Resolution 0.1 Defines the resolution
sens:res:resolution? 56921<LF>
This is the calculated resolution
sense:fres:res? 180000<LF>
This is the current (default) resolution
sense:fres:range 30 Changes the 4-wire resistance range to 30
Query Response