Teledyne API Model 200AU NOX Analyzer Instruction Manual, 02293, Rev. F
Variables can be changed. Before changing the settings on any variables, please make sure you
understand the consequences of the change. We recommend you call the factory before changing
the settings on any variables. The general format for changing the settings on a variable is:
V name[=value [warn_lo [warn_hi]]]
For example to change the warning limits on the box temperature type:
V BOX_SET 30 10 50
and the CPU should respond with:
V DDD:HH:MM IIII BOX_SET=30 10 50 (0 to 60)
The CONFIG command lists the software configuration. To show the software configuration,
In addition to SAMPLE and SETUP modes the M200AU has a number of additional operational
modes. They are listed in Table 5-8. To list the analyzer's current mode type: