Internal RAM

As shown, bit memory is not really a new type of memory, it is just a subset of internal RAM. However, because the MSC1210 provides special instructions to access these 16 bytes of memory on a bit-by-bit basis, it is useful to think of it as a separate type of memory. Always keep in mind that it is just a subset of internal RAM, and that operations performed on internal RAM can change the values of the bit variables.


If your program does not use bit variables, you may use internal RAM locations 20H through 2FH for your own use. When using bit variables, be very careful about using addresses from 20H through 2FH, as you may end up overwriting the value of your bits.


By default, the MSC1210 initializes SP to 07H when the microcontroller is booted. This means that the stack will start at address 08H and expand up- wards. If using the alternate register banks (banks 1, 2 or 3), SP must be initial- ized to an address above the highest register bank being used. Otherwise the stack will overwrite the alternate register banks. Similarly, if using bit variables, it is usually a good idea to initialize SP to some value greater than 2FH to ensure that the bit variables are protected from the stack.

Bit memory 00H through 7FH is for user-defined functions in their programs. Bit memory 80H and above are used to access certain SFRs (see section 2.4.4) on a bit-by-bit basis. For example, if output lines P0.0 through P0.7 are all clear (0), to turn on the P0.0 output line, either execute:

MOV P0,#01h

or execute:

SETB 80h

Both these instructions accomplish the same thing. However, using the SETB command will turn on the P0.0 line without affecting the status of any of the other P0 output lines. The MOV command effectively turns off all the other out- put lines that, in some cases, may not be acceptable.

When dealing with bit addresses of 80H and above, remember that the bits re- fer to the bits of corresponding SFRs that are divisible by eight. This is a com- plicated way of saying that bits 80H through 87H refer to bits 0 through 7 of SFR 80H, bits 88H through 8FH refer to bits 0 through 7 of SFR 88H, bits 90H through 97H refer to bits 0 through 7 of 90H, etc.

MSC1210 Memory Organization



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Texas Instruments MSC1210 manual Or execute