Exchanging Register Values (XCH)

16.23 Exchanging Register Values (XCH)

Very often, the value of the accumulator will need to be swapped with the value of another SFR or internal RAM address. The XCH instruction allows this to be done quickly and without using additional temporary holding variables.

XCH will take the value of the accumulator and write it to the specified SFR or internal RAM address, while at the same time writing the original value of that SFR or internal RAM address to the accumulator.

For example:

MOV A,#25h

;accumulator now holds 25h



;internal RAM 60h now holds 45h



;accumulator now holds 45, IRAM 60h now holds 25h

16.24 Swapping Accumulator Nibbles (SWAP)

In some cases, it can be useful to swap the nibbles of the accumulator. A nibble is 4 bits, therefore, there are two nibbles in the accumulator. The high nibble consists of bits 4 through 7, whereas the low nibble consists of bits 0 through 3.

The SWAP A instruction will swap the two nibbles of the accumulator. For ex- ample, if the accumulator holds the value 56H, the SWAP instruction converts it to 65H. Likewise, F7H is converted into 7FH.


The SWAP A instruction is identical to executing four RL A instructions.

16.25 Exchanging Nibbles Between Accumulator and Internal RAM (XCHD)

The XCHD instruction swaps the low nibble of the accumulator with the low nibble of the register or internal RAM address specified in the instruction.

For example, if R0 holds 87H and the accumulator holds 24H, then the XCHD R0 instruction results in the accumulator holding 27H and R0 holding 84H. The low nibbles of the two are simply exchanged.

I personally have never used this instruction, but presumably it is useful in some situations because 11 opcodes of the 8052 instruction set are devoted to it.


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Texas Instruments MSC1210 manual Exchanging Register Values XCH, Swapping Accumulator Nibbles Swap