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| List of Figures |
| 1 | EMAC and MDIO Block Diagram | 14 | |
| 2 | Ethernet Configuration MII Connections | 16 | |
| 3 | Ethernet Frame Format | 18 | |
| 4 | Basic Descriptor Format | 19 | |
| 5 | Typical Descriptor Linked List | 20 | |
| 6 | Transmit Buffer Descriptor Format | 23 | |
| 7 | Receive Buffer Descriptor Format | 26 | |
| 8 | EMAC Control Module Block Diagram | 30 | |
| 9 | MDIO Module Block Diagram | 33 | |
| 10 | EMAC Module Block Diagram | 37 | |
| 11 | EMAC Control Module Interrupt Logic Diagram | 55 | |
| 12 | EMAC Control Module Identification and Version Register (CMIDVER) | 60 | |
| 13 | EMAC Control Module Software Reset Register (CMSOFTRESET) | 61 | |
| 14 | EMAC Control Module Emulation Control Register (CMEMCONTROL) | 61 | |
| 15 | EMAC Control Module Interrupt Control Register (CMINTCTRL) | 62 | |
| 16 | EMAC Control Module Receive Threshold Interrupt Enable Register (CMRXTHRESHINTEN) | 63 | |
| 17 | EMAC Control Module Receive Interrupt Enable Register (CMRXINTEN) | 63 | |
| 18 | EMAC Control Module Transmit Interrupt Enable Register (CMTXINTEN) | 64 | |
| 19 | EMAC Control Module Miscellaneous Interrupt Enable Register (CMMISCINTEN) | 65 | |
| 20 | EMAC Control Module Receive Threshold Interrupt Status Register (CMRXTHRESHINTSTAT) | 66 | |
| 21 | EMAC Control Module Receive Interrupt Status Register (CMRXINTSTAT) | 66 | |
| 22 | EMAC Control Module Transmit Interrupt Status Register (CMTXINTSTAT) | 67 | |
| 23 | EMAC Control Module Miscellaneous Interrupt Status Register (CMMISCINTSTAT) | 68 | |
| 24 | EMAC Control Module Receive Interrupts per Millisecond Register (CMRXINTMAX) | 69 | |
| 25 | EMAC Control Module Transmit Interrupts per Millisecond Register (CMTXINTMAX) | 69 | |
| 26 | MDIO Version Register (VERSION) | 70 | |
| 27 | MDIO Control Register (CONTROL) | 71 | |
| 28 | PHY Acknowledge Status Register (ALIVE) | 72 | |
| 29 | PHY Link Status Register (LINK) | 72 | |
| 30 | MDIO Link Status Change Interrupt (Unmasked) Register (LINKINTRAW) | 73 | |
| 31 | MDIO Link Status Change Interrupt (Masked) Register (LINKINTMASKED) | 74 | |
| 32 | MDIO User Command Complete Interrupt (Unmasked) Register (USERINTRAW) | 75 | |
| 33 | MDIO User Command Complete Interrupt (Masked) Register (USERINTMASKED) | 76 | |
| 34 | MDIO User Command Complete Interrupt Mask Set Register (USERINTMASKSET) | 77 | |
| 35 | MDIO User Command Complete Interrupt Mask Clear Register (USERINTMASKCLEAR) | 78 | |
| 36 | MDIO User Access Register 0 (USERACCESS0) | 79 | |
| 37 | MDIO User PHY Select Register 0 (USERPHYSEL0) | 80 | |
| 38 | MDIO User Access Register 1 (USERACCESS1) | 81 | |
| 39 | MDIO User PHY Select Register 1 (USERPHYSEL1) | 82 | |
| 40 | Transmit Identification and Version Register (TXIDVER) | 86 | |
| 41 | Transmit Control Register (TXCONTROL) | 86 | |
| 42 | Transmit Teardown Register (TXTEARDOWN) | 87 | |
| 43 | Receive Identification and Version Register (RXIDVER) | 88 | |
| 44 | Receive Control Register (RXCONTROL) | 89 | |
| 45 | Receive Teardown Register (RXTEARDOWN) | 89 | |
| 46 | Transmit Interrupt Status (Unmasked) Register (TXINTSTATRAW) | 90 | |
| 47 | Transmit Interrupt Status (Masked) Register (TXINTSTATMASKED) | 91 | |
| ||
6 | List of Figures | SPRUFI5B | ||
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