All installations and services must be performed by qualified service personnel.
: For initial start-up of the appliance after installation, it may be necessary to purge the air out of the oil line. A qualified heating contractor should do this.
: If you do not follow these instructions exactly, a fire or explosion may result causing property damage, personal injury or loss of life.
: Do not run the oil pump dry for more than five minutes, as irreparable damage may result.
: Before troubleshooting, familiarize yourself with the start up and check out procedures.
: Never burn garbage or refuse in this appliance. Never try to ignite oil by tossing burning papers or other material into the combustion chamber.
I : Do not attempt to make repairs yourself. Contact your local qualified heating contractor.
: This appliance is designed to directly vent combustion products into the atmosphere through, and using only, the supplied vent terminal. Do not attempt to attach a vent connector or a vent system to, or in place of, the supplied vent terminal.
: Do not attempt to operate the cooling section on a day when outdoor temperatures are 45°F or cooler.