5Click the to read the online manual.
To close the online manual, click the ( ) button located at the top-right of the window.
The online manual can be printed out using Acrobat Reader. TOSHIBA recommends
printing out the sections which you refer to regularly.
Refer to Help of Acrobat Reader for more details on the operation and function of
Acrobat Reader.
Installing Acrobat Reader
1Turn on your computer.
2Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
3Click the start button, click My Computer ( ), and then double-click the CD-ROM ( ) icon.
On Windows 95/98/Me/NT 4.0/2000, double-click My Computer ( ), and then double-click the CD-
ROM ( ) icon.
4Double-click the Acrobat folder, and then double-click the ar500enu.exe icon.
Follow the on-screen instructions to install Acrobat Reader.