Strata CIX Net Phone AG 04/08 11
Installation 2
Two different Setup files are offered for installing Net Phone. The one titled
Netphone_xxx.exe provides a complete installation for any individual PC. The
second is titled NP_xxx_Server.exe and offers both an ability to install on an
individual PC or installing on the Net Server PC for automatic updates.
To install the software on a number of different PCs can be made easier by either
installing the Server-based version on the Net Server and opening a ‘file share’ to get
a copy on each PC to create the initial installation. Even if not using the automatic
upgrade capability, posting the individual setup file on a common PC to be accessed
for installing on client PCs can save much time.
The following describes using the individual Net Phone Setup file. When using the
Server Setup file, one additional step is needed to choose to install using the Client
Installation instead of using the Server Upgrade Installation.