Server-based Net Phone COS
Verification of Settings
42 Strata CIX Net Phone AG 04/08
Verification of Settings
The Net Phone at each desk must be restarted for the configuration changes to take
effect. If you have included the button files in this configuration, verify that the user
does not have the ability to change the buttons’ features. If you have included Call
Handler rules in the configuration, verify that the user’s Call Handler has the
appropriate rules set up. If anything else was included in the configuration, check
those settings as well.
Managing files on the Server
Sometimes it may be useful to view and manage the configuration files on the Server.
When the radial button on the top of the Manage Server Configuration Files screen is
changed to Server Files, a list of the files posted on the server for that group is
displayed. Any file can be retrieved from the server by highlighting that file, then right
clicking and choose to Copy File from Server. A warning dialog box will appear
asking if you want to replace the corresponding file on your PC. If you answer yes,
then you can now edit or test that configuration. After making changes, use Publish to
move the updated file back to the Server.
Note Always use extreme caution when editing files to only make changes that are
appropriate. Any changes in the configuration files will take affect on each Net
Phone in the group the next time the Net Phone is either “Reset” or restarted.