Open Architecture Interfaces
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Strata CIX Net Phone AG 04/08 67
ACD Commands
Agent Login Log into an ACD Group.
Format: ACD_LOGIN, AgentID, Pilot, ForExt, popup
AgentID = leave blank if not by AgentID, “*” = use last Agent ID
Pilot = ACD group extension, left blank = ALL
ForExt = Blank = 1st-party, Non-blank – target 3rd-party
Popup = Non-blank – means popup Net Phone. If = “L” then also
popup the Login/Logout screen.
Example: ACD_LOGIN,,, = Log me into all my ACD groups
Agent Logout Log out of an ACD Group.
Format: ACD_LOGOUT, AgentID, Pilot, ForExt, popup
AgentID = Leave blank if not by AgentID, “*” = use last Agent ID
Pilot = ACD group extension, left blank = ALL
ForExt = Blank = 1st-party, Non-blank – target 3rd-party
Popup = Non-blank – means popup Net Phone. If = “L” then also
popup the Login/Logout screen.
Set Wrapup End or set a wrapup time.
Format: ACD_WRAPUP, AgentID, TimeSecs
AgentID = Leave blank if not by AgentID, “*” = use last Agent ID
TimeSecs = If blank or zero – it will “Clear Wrapup”, If non-zero it
will set the agent state to Wrapup (WNR) for this amount of time.
Monitor Call Monitor a call on this extension.
Format: MONITOR_CALL, Ext#
Where: Ext# = Extension of phone on a call
Add Me As Agent Help Supervisor for this extension
Format: ADD_TOCALL, Ext#
Where: Ext# = Extension of phone on a call