Error Code 291
1C33 File access failure Check if the access privilege to the storage directory is writable.
Check if the server or local disc has a sufficient space in disc
1C40 Image conversion
Turn the power OFF and then back ON. Perform the job in error
again. If the error still occurs, contact your service representa-
1C60 HDD full failure during
Reduce the number of pages of the job in error and perform the
job again. Check if the server or local disc has a sufficient space
in disc capacity.
1C61 Address book reading
Turn the power OFF and then back ON. Perform the job in error
Reset the data in the Address book and perform the job again.
If the error still occurs, contact your service representative.
1C62 Memory acquiring fail-
Turn the power OFF and then back ON. Perform the job in error
again. If the error still occurs, contact your service representa-
1C63 Terminal IP address
Ask your administrator to set the IP address of the equipment.
1C64 Terminal mail address
Ask your administrator to set the E-mail address of the equip-
1C65 SMTP address unset Ask your administrator to set the SMTP server address.
1C66 Server time time out
Check if the SMTP server is operating properly.
1C69 SMTP server connec-
tion error
Ask your administrator to set the login name or password of
SMTP server and perform the job again. Check if the SMTP
server is operating properly.
1C6A HOST NAME error Ask your administrator to check if there is an illegal character in
the device name. Delete the illegal character and reset the
appropriate device name.
1C6B Terminal mail address
Ask your administrator to check if there is an illegal character in
the E-mail address of the equipment. Delete the illegal charac-
ter and reset the appropriate E-mail address, then perform the
job again.
1C6C Destination mail
address error
Check if there is an illegal character in the Destination E-mail
address. Delete the illegal character and reset the appropriate
Destination E-mail address, then perform the job again.
1C6D System error Turn the power OFF and then back ON.
Perform the job in error again. If the error still occurs, contact
your service representative.
1C70 SMTP client OFF Ask your administrator to enable the SMTP Client and perform
the job again.
1C71 SMTP authentication
Check if the SMTP authentication method, login name and
password are correct. If the SSL setting is enabled, check if the
setting and the port number of SSL correspond to those of the
1C72 POP Before SMTP
Check if the settings of POP Before SMTP and POP3 are cor-
1C80 Internet Fax transmis-
sion failure when pro-
cessing E-mail job
Confirm the “Received Internet Fax Forward” settings.
1C81 Onramp Gateway
transmission failure
Confirm the mailbox settings.
1C82 Internet Fax transmis-
sion failure when pro-
cessing Fax job
Confirm the “Received Fax Forward” setting.
1CC0 Job cancelling Job was cancelled.
Error code Problem What to do