●Since the drive is not designed or manufactured to be used for a system including
equipment (*1) directly linked with human life, etc., Toshiba Corporation shall not be liable for this type of use.
*1: Equipment directly linked with human life, etc. corresponds to the following.
-Medical equipment such as life support systems, equipment used in operations,etc.
●When the drive is to be used for a system including equipment (*2) linked with
human safety or having a serious influence on the safe maintenance of public function, etc., special consideration (*3) must be given with regard to operation, maintenance, and management of the system.
*2: A system including equipment linked with human safety or having a serious influence on the safe maintenance of public function, etc. corresponds to the following.
-A main equipment control system used in atomic power plants, a safety protection based system used in atomic facilities, other important safety lines and systems.
-An operation control system for mass transport, an
*3: Special consideration means that a safety system (fool proof design, fail
safe design, redundancy design, etc.) is established as a result of adequate consultation with Toshiba engineers.
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