jumper: A small clip or wire that allows you to change the hardware characteristics by electrically connect- ing two points of a circuit.
K:Taken from the Greek word kilo, meaning 1000; often used as equiva- lent to 1024, or 2 raised to the 10th power. See also byte and kilobyte.
KB: See kilobyte.
keyboard: An input device contain- ing switches that are activated by manually pressing marked keys. Each keystroke activates a switch that transmits a specific code to the computer. For each key, the transmit- ted code is, in turn, representative of the (ASCII) character marked on the key.
kilobyte (KB): A unit of data storage equal to 1024 bytes. See also byte and megabyte.
level 2 cache: See cache.
LightEmittingDiode(LED): A semiconductor device that emits light when a current is applied.
LiquidCrystalDisplay(LCD): Liquid crystal sealed between two sheets of glass coated with transparent con- ducting material. The
LSI: Large Scale Integration. 1) A technology that allows the inclusion of up to 100,000 simple logic gates on a single chip. 2) An integrated circuit that uses large scale integration.
main board: See motherboard.
megabyte (MB): A unit of data storage equal to 1024 kilobytes. See also kilobyte.
megahertz: A unit of wave frequency that equals 1 million cycles per second. See also hertz.
Memory Stick: An IC recording media designed to record various kinds of digital content such as still and moving images, music and computer data on a single stick.
menu: A software interface that displays a list of options on the screen. Also called a screen.