Programming Output Channels

Controlling Output Polarity

This section deals with all aspects of programming output channel functions. Channels are configured for output with the I/O direction switches (see "Configuring Input-Output direction" on page 6). A related error message: 3124, "E1538 OE switch OFF conflicts with this command."

Use OUTPut:POLarity NORMal INVerted,(@<ch_list>) to configure output channel logic sense. The operations is as follows:


a logical 1 output from the algorithm, or generated


within the E1538 (single or repetitive pulses) will


turn off the output transistor (can be pulled up).


a logical 1 output from the algorithm, or generated


within the E1538 (single or repetitive pulses) will turn


off the output transistor (pulls low).

To configure channels 40 to 43 to drive their outputs low for a logic 1

OUTP:POL INV,(@140:143)

Output Static Digital State

This means setting a channel’s digital state when an algorithm executes. To set individual channels to this function use the SCPI command SOURce:FUNCtion[:SHAPe]:CONDition (@<ch_list>)

To configure channels 40 through 43 as static digital outputs, send



SOUR:FUNC:COND (@140:143)

default for all digital outputs

ALG:DEF ’ALG1’,’static float ch0=0, ch1=1, ch2=0, ch3=1; O140=ch0; O141=ch1; O142=ch2; O143=ch3;’


Figure 15. Output Static Levels

24 Agilent E1538A Enhanced Frequency/Totalize/PWM SCP

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Image 28
VXI VT1538A user manual Controlling Output Polarity, Output Static Digital State