ALG:SCALAR 'ALG1','Pos1',NewPos1
ALG:SCALAR 'ALG1','Pos2',NewPos2
ALG:SCALAR 'ALG1','Pos3',NewPos3
preset ch 47’s pulse pos to 300°
start algorithm execution
calculate values for NewPos(n)
later, adjust channel 45’s position while algorithm running later, adjust channel 46’s position while algorithm running later, adjust channel 47’s position while algorithm running values in update queue sent to variables
Figure 22. Variable Position, Width Preset by Time
Rotational Pulse Mode:
Variable Pulse Width (by angle), Preset Angular Position
In this mode, the angular pulse width is controlled by the algorithm, and the angular position is preset before INIT. See Figure 23. Use the following command sequence:
SOURce:FUNCtion:RPULse (@<ref_channel>),(@<ch_list>) to select the channels that will output angular positioned pulses, and to specify the reference channel.