SCPI Command Reference
Most of the E1538’s commands were available since its introduction. A small number of commands are only available with E1538’s built after February 1998. The following table indicates these new commands with an X in the "for newer units only" column. See "Identifying the
Table 2.
| Command Syntax | For newer | Page |
| units only | Discussed |
| INPut:POLarity NORM INV,(@<ch_list>) |
| 44 |
| INPut:POLarity? (@<ch_list>) |
| 44 |
| INPut:THReshold[:LEVel] <level>,(@<ch_list>) |
| 45 |
| INPut:THReshold[:LEVel]? (@<channel>) |
| 45 |
| [SENSe:]FUNCtion:CONDition (@<ch_list>) |
| 50 |
| [SENSe:]FUNCtion:FREQuency (@<ch_list>) |
| 51 |
| SENSe:FREQuency:APERture <time>,(@<ch_list>) |
| 47 |
| SENSe:FREQuency:APERture? (@<channel>) |
| 48 |
| SENSe:FREQuency:LIMit:LOWer <freq_limit>,(@<ch_list>) | X | 48 |
| SENSe:FREQuency:LIMit:LOWer? (@<channel>) | X | 50 |
| [SENSe:]FUNCtion:PERiod (@<ch_list>) | X | 51 |
| SENSe:PERiod:APERture <time>,(@<ch_list>) | X | 56 |
| SENSe:PERiod:APERture? (@<channel>) | X | 57 |
| SENSe:PERiod:LIMit:UPPer <per_limit>,(@<ch_list>) | X | 57 |
| SENSe:PERiod:LIMit:UPPer? (@<channel>) | X | 59 |
| SENSe:PERiod:MODE APERture NPERiods,(@<ch_list>) | X | 59 |
| SENSe:PERiod:MODE? (@<channel>) | X | 60 |
| SENSe:PERiod:NPERiods <count>,(@<ch_list>) | X | 60 |
| SENSe:PERiod:NPERiods? (@<channel>) | X | 61 |
| SENSe:PERiod:RANGe[:UPPer] <count>,(@<ch_list>) | X | 61 |
| SENSe:PERiod:RANGe[:UPPer]? (@<channel>) | X | 62 |
| [SENSe:]FUNCtion:PWIDth <avg_count>,(@<ch_list>) |
| 52 |
| [SENSe:]FUNCtion:QUADrature [<preset_count>,](@<ch_list>) |
| 52 |
| [SENSe:]FUNCtion:RVELocity <n_teeth>,<index_type>,(@<ch_list>) |
| 53 |
| [SENSe:]FUNCtion:TOTalize (@<ch_list>) |
| 55 |
| [SENSe:]TOTalize:RESet:MODE INIT TRIG,(@<ch_list>) |
| 62 |