Variable Width Pulse Per Trigger
This means that the channel generates a pulse whose width is specified by the algorithm each time the algorithm executes. The value sent by the algorithm can range from 7.87μSec to 7.812mSec.
The command sequence to
SOURce:FUNCtion:PULSe (@<ch_list>) to enable pulse generation.
the following two commands return the E1538 to the Single
SOURce:FM[:STATe] OFF,(@<ch_list>) to disable FM mode. SOURce:PULM[:STATe] OFF,(@<ch_list>) to disable PWM mode.
To configure channel 44 to output a single controlled width pulse per trigger
after *RST, sour:func:puls is all that is required to enable the default single
SOUR:FUNC:PULS (@144)channel sources pulses...
ALG:DEF ’ALG1’,’static float outpulse=0.001; O144=outpulse;’
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