Usage SOUR:RPULSE:POS:ANGL 20,(@145) | preset channel 45 pulse position |
| to 20 degrees |
SOURce:RPULse:POSition[:ANGLe]? (@<channel>) returns the angular position set for <channel>,
| Parameter | Parameter | Range of | Default |
| Name | Type | Values | Units |
| channel | string | 100 - 163 | none |
Comments | • <channel> must specify a single channel only | |
Usage | SOUR:RPULSE:POS:ANGL? (@145) | return pulse pos set for channel |
| 45 |
SOUR:RPULse:VARType <type>,(@<ch_list>) specifies the type of value that will be controlled (varied) by the algorithm. Depending on how the RPULse system is set up, the varied property can be either pulse position, or pulse width.
| Parameter | Parameter | Range of | Default |
| Name | Type | Values | Units |
| type | discrete (string) | TIME ANGLe | seconds |
| ch_list | string | 100 - 163 | none |
Comments • <type> specifies the that the algorithm will send values of either: ANGLe (in degrees) to the channel(s).
TIME (in seconds) to the channel(s).
•<ch_list> specifies the SOUR:FUNC:RPUL channel(s) that will be controlled (varied) by the algorithm. Channels in <ch_list> must be referenced in a SOUR:FUNC:RPUL command before the next INIT command. Related error messages:
3113, "Channel specified is not in same SCP as reference channel." 3114, "First channel in SCP can not be used in RPULse output channel list."
Usage SOUR:RPULSE:VART ANGL,(@145:147) algorithm will control pulse width by ANGLE