Rotational Pulse Command Usage

Use SOURce:FUNCtion:RPULse (@<ref_channel>),(@<ch_list>) to link channels in <ch_list> to the rotational pulse function. The channel in <ref_channel> will be linked to the SENS:FUNC:RVEL function to provide the rotational reference information to SOUR:FUNC:RPUL.

The commands:

SOURce:RPULse:POSition[:ANGLe] <degrees>,(@<ch_list>), SOURce:RPULse:WIDTh[:ANGLe] <degrees>,(@<ch_list>), and SOURce:RPULse:WIDTh:TIME <seconds>,(@<ch_list>) fix the channels’ rotational pulse position (SOUR:RPUL:POS:ANGL), or the rotational pulse width (SOUR:RPUL:WIDT:ANGL and :TIME) before the INITiate command. The remaining pulse property - the property NOT specified in one of these commands - will be controlled within the algorithm.

<ch_list> specifies the SOUR:FUNC:RPUL channel(s) that will be set to the property specified by the command syntax.

For pulse position, <degrees> can range from -33,554,430 to 33,554,430 degrees, with a resolution of 1 degree. The pulse is positioned at <degrees> modulo 360.

For pulse width, <degrees> can range from 0 to 360 degrees, with a resolution of 1 degree.

<time> specifies pulse width in seconds, ranging from .00000787 (7.87 μS) to .015624 (15.624mS), with a resolution of 238.4nS

The command:

SOUR:RPULse:VARType ANGLe TIME,(@<ch_list>) specifies the type of value that will be controlled (varied) by the algorithm.

ANGLe specifies that the algorithm will send values of angle (in degrees) to the channel(s).

TIME specifies that the algorithm will send values of time (in seconds) to the channel(s).

<ch_list> specifies the SOUR:FUNC:RPUL channel(s) that will be controlled (varied) by the algorithm.

30 Agilent E1538A Enhanced Frequency/Totalize/PWM SCP

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VXI VT1538A user manual Rotational Pulse Command Usage