No Satellite Found
If the system will not find a satellite, perform ALL off the following:
1.Is the receiver is plugged in and turned on?
2.Do you have the correct location entered (city, elevation or longitude/ latitude)?
3.Is the correct search satellite entered? Echostar or DSS should appear behind "Search" on display.
4.Verify that your RV/coach is reasonably level. If the mount is sitting at too much of an angle, the system may be looking too high or too low in the sky to see the satellite.
5.Check that there is no obstructions blocking the view of the satellites. The signal from the satellite(s) WILL NOT pass through trees, buildings, mountains etc. Remember that the antenna has a 240 offset, this means that when the antenna is straight up and down (900) it is looking 240 into the sky. See Figure 1.
Antenna Reflector at 900
240 look angle
Figure 1
Rev 9/98