sequential In numeric sequence, usually in ascending order. As applied to a file organization, describes files in which records are written one after another and cannot be randomly accessed. For example, the first 99 records in a sequential
set In setting a separation boundary through the Bin Full Criteria task, set refers to multiple copies of the same report.
simplex printing Printing on one side of the page. See also duplex printing.
software Programs, including operating systems, procedures, utilities, and applications programs, written for a system. Software can be supplied by the hardware manufacturer or other firms but does not include programs written by the user.
sort To rearrange data records according to a particular item (field) which they all contain, using a predetermined ordering scheme.
source Terminal node at which data enters a network. For example, a computer transmitting data through telecommunication lines to several other computers or receiving terminals.
source file File containing source language statements or commands.
source language Language,
source program Program written in source language
space Blank area between words, recognized as a character by word and data processing systems.
special processing Commands allowing the user to process special reports, such as printing certain records, or printing on special paper.
spooling Process of releasing data from main memory and storing it temporarily until a peripheral device is ready to accept it, for example storing text before sending it to a printer.
spot Unit of measurement representing a fraction of an inch, for example, 300 spots per inch (spi). May also be referred to as a picture element (pixel) or dot.
statement Detailed written instructions in a program step. A statement is written according to specific rules called syntax.
static data Information usually found on preprinted forms or overlays.