Xerox Font Center
The Xerox Font Center can send you samples and catalogs of the fonts available for your LPS.
To receive font samples, obtain price information, or to order licensed or custom fonts, call the font support center between 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific time at the following telephone number:
1-800-445-FONT (U.S. only)
If you prefer, you may write to the following address to request font information:
Xerox Corporation
Xerox Font Center
701 South Aviation Boulevard
El Segundo, CA 90245
For locations outside the United States, please contact your Xerox or Xerox Limited sales representative or local Xerox or Xerox Limited office.
For technical support regarding fonts (such as installing fonts or solving
Xerox Customer Documentation Catalog
Detailed information on documentation for your LPS is contained in the Xerox Customer Documentation Catalog. The catalog includes a brief description of each item, its cost, and the instructions and forms needed for ordering.
Included at the back of this guide is a request card for ordering the Xerox Customer Documentation Catalog. Simply fill out the request card and mail it. Once you are on our mailing list, updated catalogs are sent to you automatically. You may also call Xerox Documentation and Software Services to request a catalog. (Refer to the following section.)