Reference [Rhythm]

4. Press the PLAY [R] key.

The rhythm pattern will begin playing, independently from

the recorder section.


If you use the dial to change the pattern while the rhythm section is playing, the new pattern will start after the end of the current pattern is reached.

If you use the cursor up/down keys to change the pattern while the rhythm section is playing, the new pattern will start immediately.

5. If you want to mute the rhythm section, press the[DRUM] status key.

The key goes out, and the rhythm section will be muted. To

defeat muting, press the [DRUM] status key once more.

6. To stop playback, press the STOP [P] key.

The rhythm pattern will stop.

7. To return to the main screen, press the [EXIT] key repeatedly.

The [DRUM] key goes out, and the recorder section and

rhythm section are synchronized again.


By pressing the PLAY [R] key after bringing up the main screen, you can start playback of the recorder section at the same time.

It is also possible to load rhythm pattern data from another project saved on the hard disk (p. 96).

Changing the tempo of the rhythm pattern

You can change the tempo of the rhythm pattern.

1. From the main screen, press the [DRUM] key so that the key lights up.

2. Verify that the [SONG/PATTERN] key is out. If the key is lit, press it so that it goes out.


3. In rhythm pattern mode, press the [TEMPO] key inthe rhythm section.

The current tempo value will be displayed in BPM (beats per minute).


BPM= 1200

4. Turn the dial to adjust the tempo.

The tempo can be adjusted in steps of 0.1 over a range of 40 - 250 (BPM). The tempo can also be changed after playback of the rhythm pattern has been started by pressing the PLAY [R] key.

5. To change the tempo manually, press the [TEMPO]key twice or more at the desired tempo.

The interval between the last two times you pressed the key

will be detected automatically, and set as the new tempo.

6. To return to the main screen, press the [EXIT] key

several times.


The tempo you specify here will apply to all rhythm patterns played in rhythm pattern mode, and to a rhythm song in which tempo data has not yet been input.

The tempo can also be changed from the main screen.


If you record on the recorder tracks while listening to the rhythm patterns, and then later change the tempo of the rhythm patterns, the two sets of performances will no longer be synchronized. If you want to record on the recorder while listening to rhythm patterns, you must decide on the tempo first.

Changing the drum kit

You can change the drum kit used by the rhythm section. The selected drum kit applies to all rhythm patterns and rhythm songs.

1. While the rhythm section is stopped, press the[DRUM] key at the main screen.