GS-4012F/4024 User’s Guide

Figure 188 wrr Command Example

ras# configure

ras(config)# interface port-channel 2,6-12 ras(config-interface)# wrr ras(config-interface)# wrr 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

41.8.12 egress set


egress set <port-list>



Sets the outgoing traffic port list for a port-based VLAN.

An example is shown next.

Enable port-based VLAN tagging on the switch.

Enable ports one, three, four and five for configuration.

Set the outgoing traffic ports as the CPU (0), seven (7), eight (8) and nine (9).

Figure 189 egress set Command Example

ras(config)# vlan-type port-based ras(config)# interface port-channel 1,3-5 ras(config-interface)# egress set 0,7-9

41.8.13 qos priority


qos priority <0 .. 7>


<0 .. 7>

Sets the quality of service priority for a port.

An example is shown next.

Enable ports one, three, four and five for configuration.

Set the IEEE 802.1p quality of service priority as four (4).


Chapter 41 Command Examples