GS-4012F/4024 User’s Guide

The following example resets both configuration files to the factory default settings.

Figure 172 CLI: Reset to the Factory Default Example

ras# erase running-config ras# write memory

ras# write memory 2

41.7 no Command Examples

These are the commonly used command examples that belong to the no group of commands.

41.7.1 no mirror-port


no mirror-port

Disables port mirroring on the switch.

An example is shown next.

Figure 173 no mirror-port Command Example

ras(config)# no mirror-port

41.7.2 no https timeout


no https timeout

Resets the https session timeout to default.

An example is shown next. The session timeout is reset to 300 seconds.

Figure 174 no https timeout Command Example

ras(config)# no https timeout Cache timeout 300

Chapter 41 Command Examples