GS-4012F/4024 User’s Guide

40.5 Getting Help

The system includes a help facility to provide you with the following information about the commands:

List of available commands under a command group.

Detailed descriptions of the commands.

40.5.1List of Available Commands

Enter “help” to display a list of available commands and the corresponding sub commands.

Enter “?” to display a list of commands you can use.

Figure 153 CLI Help: List of Commands: Example 1

ras> help

Commands available:

help logout exit history enable show ip <cr>

show hardware-monitor <CF> show system-information ping <iphost-name> <cr> ping <iphost-name> [..] ping help

traceroute <iphost-name> <cr> traceroute <iphost-name> [..] traceroute help

ssh <12> <[user@]dest-ip> <cr>

ssh <12> <[user@]dest-ip> [command </>] ras>


Chapter 40 Introducing the Commands