Chapter 14 Certificates

Figure 100 My Certificate Details

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 60 My Certificate Details




This field displays the identifying name of this certificate. If you want to change


the name, type up to 31 characters to identify this certificate. You may use any


character (not including spaces).




Select this check box to have the ZyXEL Device use this certificate to sign the

Default self-signed

trusted remote host certificates that you import to the ZyXEL Device. This check

certificate which

box is only available with self-signed certificates.

signs the imported

If this check box is already selected, you cannot clear it in this screen, you must

remote host

select this check box in another self-signed certificate’s details screen. This


automatically clears the check box in the details screen of the certificate that


was previously set to sign the imported trusted remote host certificates.





ZyXEL NWA-3160 Series User’s Guide