Chapter 4 Tutorial
Table 7 Tutorial: SSID Profile Security Settings
Security | Security Profile security03: | Security Profile security04: |
| ||
| Hide SSID | Hide SSID |
Enabled | Enabled | |
blocking |
Each SSID profile already uses a different
In this example, you will configure access limitations for each SSID profile. To do this, you will take the following steps.
1Configure the SERVER_1 network’s SSID profile to use specific MAC filter and
2Configure the SERVER_1 network’s MAC filter profile.
3Configure the SERVER_1 network’s
4Repeat steps 1 ~ 3 for the SERVER_2 network.
5Check your settings and test the configuration.
To configure
Table 8 Tutorial: Example Network MAC Addresses
ZyXEL Device | Z | BB:AA:99:88:77:66 |
Secure Server 1 | 1 | AA:99:88:77:66:55 |
Secure Server 2 | 2 | 99:88:77:66:55:44 |
Workstation | C | 88:77:66:55:44:33 |
Switch | D | 77:66:55:44:33:22 |
Security gateway | E | 66:55:44:33:22:11 |
To configure MAC filtering, you need to know the MAC addresses of the devices Alice and Bob use to connect to the network, which are as follows.
Table 9 Tutorial: Example User MAC Addresses
Alice | 11:22:33:44:55:66 |
Bob | 22:33:44:55:66:77 |
First, you will set up the SERVER_1 network which allows Alice to access secure server 1 via the network switch.
You will configure the MAC filter to restrict access to Alice alone, and then configure
Take the following steps to configure the SERVER_1 network.
1Log into the ZyXEL Device’s Web Configurator and click WIRELESS > SSID. The following screen displays, showing the SSID profiles you already configured.
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ZyXEL | |