Chapter 4 Tutorial

4.4.5 Configure the SERVER_2 Network

Next, you will configure the SERVER_2 network that allows Bob to access secure server 2 and the Internet.

To do this, repeat the procedure in Section 4.4.4 on page 69, substituting the following information.

Table 10 Tutorial: SERVER_2 Network Information

SSID Screen





Profile Name




SSID Edit (SERVER_2) Screen




L2 Isolation




MAC Filtering




Layer-2 Isolation (L2Isolation04) Screen




Profile Name




Set 1

MAC Address: 77:66:55:44:33:22


Description: NET_ROUTER



Set 2

MAC Address: 99:88:77:66:55:44


Description: SERVER_2



Set 3

MAC Address: 66:55:44:33:22:11


Description: GATEWAY



MAC Filter (macfilter04) Edit Screen




Profile Name




Set 1

MAC Address: 22:33:44:55:66:77


Description: Bob



4.4.6 Checking your Settings and Testing the Configuration

Use the following sections to ensure that your wireless networks are set up correctly. Checking Settings

Take the following steps to check that the ZyXEL Device is using the correct SSIDs, MAC filters and layer-2 isolation profiles.

1Click WIRELESS > Wireless. Check that the Operating Mode is MBSSID and that the correct SSID profiles are selected and activated, as shown in the following figure.



ZyXEL NWA-3160 Series User’s Guide