Chapter 1 Introducing the ZyXEL Device

For example, you might want to set up a wireless network in your office where Internet telephony (Voice over IP, or VoIP) users have priority. You also want a regular wireless network for standard users, as well as a ‘guest’ wireless network for visitors. In the following figure, VoIP_SSID users have Quality of Service (QoS) priority, SSID03 is the wireless network for standard users, and Guest_SSID is the wireless network for guest users. In this example, the guest user is forbidden access to the wired LAN behind the AP and can access only the Internet.

Figure 5 Multiple BSSs

1.2.5 Pre-Configured SSID Profiles

The ZyXEL Device has two pre-configured SSID profiles.

1VoIP_SSID. This profile is intended for use by wireless clients requiring the highest QoS (Quality of Service) level for VoIP (Voice over IP) telephony and other applications requiring low latency. The QoS level of this profile is not user-configurable. See Chapter 6 on page 83 for more information on QoS.

2Guest_SSID. This profile is intended for use by visitors and others who require access to certain resources on the network (an Internet gateway or a network printer, for example) but must not have access to the rest of the network. Layer 2 isolation is enabled (see Section 9.1 on page 123), and QoS is set to NONE. Intra-BSS traffic blocking is also enabled (see Section 6.1.1 on page 83). These fields are all user-configurable.



ZyXEL NWA-3160 Series User’s Guide