Chapter 4 Tutorial

Figure 21 Tutorial: Guest Edit

Choose a new SSID for the guest network. In this example, enter Guest_SSID_Example. Note that although the SSID changes, the SSID profile name (Guest_SSID) remains the same as before.

Select Disable from the Hide Name (SSID) list box. This makes it easier for guests to configure their own computers’ wireless clients to your network’s settings.

The standard network (SSID04) is already using the security01 profile, and the VoIP network is using the security02 profile (renamed VoIP_Security) so select the security03 profile from the Security field.

Leave all the other fields at their defaults and click Apply. Up Security for the Guest Profile

Now you need to configure the security settings to use on the guest wireless network. Click the Security tab.

You already chose to use the security03 profile for this network, so select security03’s entry in the list and click Edit. The following screen appears.

Figure 22 Tutorial: Guest Security Profile Edit

• Change the Name field to “Guest_Security” to make it easier to remember and identify.



ZyXEL NWA-3160 Series User’s Guide