Monitor Outputs
The IMON and VMON output signals indicate the input current and voltage. A
External Programming Input
CCand CV modes can be programmed with a signal (ac or dc) connected to the Ext Prog input. A
Figure 2-9 shows the input waveform that would result from the following setup:
CCMode High Range
60% Full Scale (programmed via GPIB or front panel)
± 1 V (2 V pk-pk) 1 kHz external programming signal
The external programming signal (+ and - 1 volt) corresponds to + and - 1/10 full scale values at the input (1 volt external programming input = 1/10 full scale). Therefore, the load’s input current values between 50% and 70% of full scale as shown in Figure 2-9.
The Fault signal becomes active if an overvoltage or reverse voltage occurs at the input, as described in the Protection Features paragraphs.