Using the %NORM option
The transport automatically stops when 100 documents have been processed and the Current and Historical percentages are displayed.
NOTE: To stop the test and leave the percentages unchanged, press Stop before the 100 documents have been processed.
Current — indicates the read rate of the documents just processed.
Historical — indicates the read rate of all tests run over time.
The first time the test is run, the two percentages will be the same.
If the Current percentage is significantly lower than the Historical percentage, this indicates any reduction in the overall read rate may be caused by a deficiency in the equipment. Perform required maintenance and rerun the test. If the results of the second test are similar to the first, contact service.
NOTE: If an asterisk (*) appears in the display (i.e., Current = xx.x*%), the Historical percentage is unaffected by the current read rate. This indicates the current read rate is uncommonly low.
3.When the test is finished, press Clear to return to normal operation, or press Stop to remain in the test environment.
This option establishes the percentage of bar codes properly read when using actual
To use the %NORM test option:
1. Select 4=%NORM.
Bar Code Type =
2.Feed at least 100 application test documents. As documents are fed into the transport, the Normal documents fed value will increment.
Normal documents fed = 100 Current = xx.x% Historical = xx.x%
The transport automatically stops when 100 documents have been processed and the Current and Historical percentages are displayed.
NOTE: To stop the test and leave the percentages unchanged, press Stop before the 100 documents have been processed.
Current — indicates the read rate of the documents just processed. Historical — indicates the read rate of all tests run over time.