TDK 1500W, 750W technical manual Single Byte Commands, Enable MD Mode MD Mode Option Required

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7.10.1 General

Single byte commands are commands in which all the necessary data for the supply to act upon is contained in a single byte. Single byte commands will be executed immediately by the supply. If the command requires data to be sent to the HOST PC or IEEE Board (see sections 7.10.4 and that response will be transmitted immediately with no delay due to any software overhead. With the exception of the Disconnect from communications command, section, commands must be sent by the HOST PC or IEEE Board 2 times in sequence for verification. All have the most significant bit, D7, set to a logic 1. A CR, carriage return, character is not included in a single byte command. The RST command will not change any setting made by a single byte command.

All Single Byte commands will be executed in 1 ms or less. This does not include any response sent to the HOST/IEEE Board, which is dependent upon the response length and the serial transmission speed (Baud rate).

7.10.2 Global commands without response MD Mode (MD MODE OPTION REQUIRED)

Disable is the default condition upon power up. The Hex value of the command is 0xA0. Send it two times in sequence. All supplies, both the currently addressed supply and all non-addressed supplies, will disable MD Mode as a result of this command. MD Mode (MD MODE OPTION REQUIRED)

Send to enable Multi Drop Mode. The Hex value of the command is 0xA1. Sent it two times in se- quence. When this command is sent, the supply will set SRQ retransmission to the disable state; if you wish it to be enabled you must send the enable command. All supplies, both the currently ad- dressed supply and all non-addressed supplies, will enable MD Mode as a result of this command. SRQ retransmission (MD MODE OPTION REQUIRED)

Disable is the default condition upon power up. The Hex value of the command is 0xA2. Sent it two times in sequence. If the supply sends an SRQ it will only sent it 1 time. All supplies, both the cur- rently addressed supply and all non-addressed supplies, will disable SRQ retransmission as a result of this command. All status registers will retain their data when this command is sent. SRQ retransmission (MD MODE OPTION REQUIRED)

Enable retransmission of SRQs. This is only available when the Multi Drop Mode is enabled in the supply. The Hex value of the command is 0xA3. Send it two times in sequence. If the supply sends an SRQ it will be repeated on a timely basis, 10 ms plus 20 ms times the supply address, until answered. All supplies, both the currently addressed supply and all non-addressed supplies, will enable SRQ re- transmission as a result of this command. FLT Bit in the SENA Register

The Hex value of the command is 0xA4. Send it two times in sequence.

7.10.3 Global commands with response from communications

Command the supply to end all data transmissions to the HOST PC/IEEE Board and cease its role as the active addressed supply. The HOST PC/IEEE Board will be required to re-send the ‘ADR nn’ com- mand to reestablish communications with the supply. After receiving the first command the supply will respond with an OK<CR>. The Hex value of the command is 0xBF. All supplies, both the currently addressed supply and all non-addressed supplies, will respond to this command; but only the cur- rently addressed supply (if any) will respond with the ‘OK’.


83-507-013 Rev. D

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Contents Genesystm 750W/1500W Page Page Genesys Manual Supplement Table of Contents Front and Rear Panel Controls and Connectors ………...……… Remote Analog PROGRAMMING……………………………………………… Isolated Analog Programming OPTION………………………………… Disclaimer Limitation of WarrantyWarranty Service Trademark InformationSafety Instructions Environmental Conditions SICHERHEITS-INSTALLATIONS Anweisungen Sicherheits-und Warnsymbole Anderungen and BauteileersatzUmweltbedingungen Introduction Features and optionsGeneral Information General DescriptionAnalog voltage programming and monitoring Multiple output power systemControl via the serial communication port Parallel operationAccessories Specifications ChapterVout Supplemental Characteristics Genesystm 750W & 1500W Power Supplies Outline Drawings Preparation for USE InstallationGeneral Initial InspectionsAC Source Requirements AC Input Power ConnectionLOCATON, Mounting and Cooling Rack Mount Slides optionalAC Input Wire Connection, 1500W models AC Input Connector, 1500W modelsAC Input Connector, 750W models AC Input CordTURN-ON Checkout Procedure GeneralPrior to Operation OVP Check Constant Voltage CheckConstant Current Check UVL CheckConnecting the Load Wire termination AWGNoise and Impedance Effects Inductive loadsMaking the load connections 6V to 60V Models Wire terminal lug 2 places 80V to 600V ModelsLoad wires connection to the output connector Connecting single loads, local sensing default Connecting single loads, remote sensingConnecting multiple loads, radial distribution method Multiple load connection with distribution terminals Grounding outputsLocal and Remote Sensing Sense wiringOutput Terminal Grounding Local sensing10.4 J2 sense connector technical information Remote sensingFront and Rear Panel Controls and Connectors Front Panel Controls and IndicatorsAuxiliary Function Rear Panel Connections and Controls Rear panel connections and controlsRear Panel SW1 Setup Switch Resetting the SW1 switch 1 SW1 position functionRear Panel J1 Programming and Monitorng Connector Making J1 connectionsIfcom SignalEnain LocalConstant Voltage Mode Constant Current ModeLocal Operation Over Voltage Protection OVP Setting the OVP levelResetting the OVP circuit Automatic CrossoverFoldback Protection Output SHUT-OFF SO Control VIA Rear Panel J1 ConnectorUnder Voltage Limit UVL Output ON/OFF ControlENABLE/DISABLE Control VIA Rear Panel J1 Connector CV/CC SignalPsok Signal Auto-restart mode Over Temperature Protecton OTPLast Setting Memory Safe-start modeSeries Operation Series connection for increased output voltageSeries connection for positive and negative output voltage Series connection for positive/negative output voltagesParallel Operation Master and Slave units default operation Advanced parallel configurationSetting the units as Master or Slave Connection to the loadTo release units from Slave mode Current display accuracyAST OFF *OUT OFF Unlocked front panel DAISY-CHAIN ConnectionFront Panel Locking Locked front panelRemote Analog Programming LOCAL/REMOTE Analog IndicationDown Remote voltage programming connectionResisitive Programming of Output Voltage and Current Limit Remote resistive programmingRemote Monitoring of Output Voltage and Current RS232 & RS485 Remote Control ConfigurationRear Panel RS232/RS485 Connector 6 RS232/RS485 port in Local modeFront panel in Remote mode MD Mode SRQ MD Mode Option Factory Installed MD Mode DescriptionMD Mode enable Serial communication mode MD Mode SRQ RetransmissionConnecting Power Supplies to RS232 or RS485 BUS Single power supplyCommunication Interface Protocol Error Messages Command SET DescriptionInitialization Control Commands ID Control CommandsOutput Control Commands FILTER? DVC?Filter OUT?Global Output Commands Disable SRQ retransmission MD Mode Option Required Single Byte CommandsEnable MD Mode MD Mode Option Required Enable SRQ retransmission MD Mode Option RequiredTest if MD Mode is Installed Addressed commands with response Read registersPrint Power On Time Addressed commands without response Acknowledge SRQ1010 None Disable retransmission of SRQs by GEN750W models GEN1500W models Current programming range STATUS, Error and SRQ Registers 10.6 Status Control CommandsConditional Registers Status RegistersService Request Enable and Event Registers BITFault Enable Register Fault Event RegisterStatus Enable Register Status Event RegisterPower supply set-up Serial Communication Test SET-UPCommunication Test 1 0-5V/0-10V Option PN IS510 SpecificationsIsolated Analog Programming Option PPM/CIsolated Programming & Monitoring Connector Setup and Operating Instructions Maintenance Fuse Rating OUP