Tsunami MP.11 Installation and Management
5.Press the RESET button on the MP.11 unit. The terminal program displays Power On Self Tests (POST) messages and displays the following after approximately 90 seconds:
Please enter password:
HyperTerminal Connection Properties
The serial connection properties can be found in HyperTerminal as follows:
1.Start HyperTerminal and select Properties from the File menu.
2.Select Direct to Com 1 in the Connect using:
3.Make the necessary changes and click OK.
4.Click the Settings tab and then ASCII Setup…. A window similar to the following is displayed:
5.Ensure that Send line ends with line feeds is selected and click OK twice. HyperTerminal is now correctly configured.
Chapter 9. Troubleshooting | 76 |
CPN 63708 | Issue Date: 02/05/2003 |