Tsunami MP.11 Installation and Management
The recommended setting is
Related CLI Commands:
show ethernet show ethermacaddr
set ethernet 1 etherspeed <autospeedauto/autospeedhalf/ 100auto/100full/100half/10full/10half>
set ethernet 1 ethrxbwlimit <multiple of 64Kbps e.g. 32 = 2Mbps> set ethernet 1 ethtxbwlimit <multiple of 64Kbps e.g. 32 = 2Mbps>
The MP.11 offers various facilities to monitor its operation and interfaces. Only the most significant monitoring categories are mentioned here.
To monitor the wireless interfaces, click Monitor Î Wireless. This tab lets you monitor the general performance of the radio and the performance of the WORP Base or WORP Satellite interfaces.
Chapter 4. Basic Management | 32 |
CPN 63708 | Issue Date: 02/05/2003 |