Upgrading an Enterprise 3000 to CMS R3V9
3.Enter: metadb
The system displays a message similar to the following:
| flags |
| first blk | block count |
a m | p | luo | 16 | 1034 | /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1 |
a | p | luo | 1050 | 1034 | /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1 |
a | p | luo | 2084 | 1034 | /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1 |
a | p | luo | 3118 | 1034 | /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1 |
This command shows the database replicas. There should be four replicas for the boot disk. If the correct number of replicas are not shown, escalate using the normal channels.
4. Continue with Checking the status of the tape drives.
Checking the status of the tape drives
To check the status of the tape drives:
ls -x /dev/rmt
The system displays a list of the current tape device modes for each installed tape drive. If there is only one tape drive, a series of files starting with 0 is displayed. The following example shows a series of files starting with 0. This indicates that there is one tape drive installed on the system.
0 | 0b | 0bn | 0c | 0cb | 0cbn | 0cn | 0h | 0hb | 0hbn | 0hn | 0l | 0lb |
0lbn | 0ln | 0m | 0mb | 0mbn | 0mn | 0n | 0u | 0ub | 0ubn | 0un |
2.Note whether or not the number of tape drives that is displayed matches the number of tape drives that are connected to the system.
3.Continue with Verifying that the upgrade can continue.
44 CentreVu CMS R3V9 Sun Enterprise 3000 Computer CVUE Instructions