Samsung M391B5273DH0, M391B5773DH0 specifications IDD specification definition, Symbol Description

Page 22

Unbuffered DIMM


Rev. 1.0


13. IDD specification definition






Operating One Bank Active-Precharge Current


CKE: High; External clock: On; tCK, nRC, nRAS, CL: Refer to Component Datasheet for detail pattern ; BL: 81); AL: 0;


: High between ACT and PRE;

Command, Address, Bank Address Inputs: partially toggling ; Data IO: FLOATING; DM:stable at 0; Bank Activity: Cycling with one bank active at a time:


0,0,1,1,2,2,... ; Output Buffer and RTT: Enabled in Mode Registers2); ODT Signal: stable at 0; Pattern Details: Refer to Component Datasheet for detail pat-




Operating One Bank Active-Read-Precharge Current


CKE: High; External clock: On; tCK, nRC, nRAS, nRCD, CL: Refer to Component Datasheet for detail pattern ; BL: 81); AL: 0;


: High between ACT, RD

and PRE; Command, Address, Bank Address Inputs, Data IO: partially toggling ; DM:stable at 0; Bank Activity: Cycling with one bank active at a time:


0,0,1,1,2,2,... ; Output Buffer and RTT: Enabled in Mode Registers2); ODT Signal: stable at 0; Pattern Details: Refer to Component Datasheet for detail pat-






Precharge Standby Current


CKE: High; External clock: On; tCK, CL: Refer to Component Datasheet for detail pattern ; BL: 81); AL: 0;


: stable at 1; Command, Address, Bank

Address Inputs: partially toggling ; Data IO: FLOATING; DM:stable at 0; Bank Activity: all banks closed; Output Buffer and RTT: Enabled in Mode



Registers2); ODT Signal: stable at 0; Pattern Details: Refer to Component Datasheet for detail pattern


Precharge Power-Down Current Slow Exit


CKE: Low; External clock: On; tCK, CL: Refer to Component Datasheet for detail pattern ; BL: 81); AL: 0;


: stable at 1; Command, Address, Bank

Address Inputs: stable at 0; Data IO: FLOATING; DM:stable at 0; Bank Activity: all banks closed; Output Buffer and RTT: Enabled in Mode Registers2);



ODT Signal: stable at 0; Precharge Power Down Mode: Slow Exit3)


Precharge Power-Down Current Fast Exit


CKE: Low; External clock: On; tCK, CL: Refer to Component Datasheet for detail pattern ; BL: 81); AL: 0;


: stable at 1; Command, Address, Bank

Address Inputs: stable at 0; Data IO: FLOATING; DM:stable at 0; Bank Activity: all banks closed; Output Buffer and RTT: Enabled in Mode Registers2);



ODT Signal: stable at 0; Precharge Power Down Mode: Fast Exit3)


Precharge Quiet Standby Current


CKE: High; External clock: On; tCK, CL: Refer to Component Datasheet for detail pattern ; BL: 81); AL: 0;


: stable at 1; Command, Address, Bank

Address Inputs: stable at 0; Data IO: FLOATING; DM:stable at 0;Bank Activity: all banks closed; Output Buffer and RTT: Enabled in Mode Registers2);



ODT Signal: stable at 0




Active Standby Current


CKE: High; External clock: On; tCK, CL: Refer to Component Datasheet for detail pattern ; BL: 81); AL: 0;


: stable at 1; Command, Address, Bank

Address Inputs: partially toggling ; Data IO: FLOATING; DM:stable at 0;Bank Activity: all banks open; Output Buffer and RTT: Enabled in Mode



Registers2); ODT Signal: stable at 0; Pattern Details: Refer to Component Datasheet for detail pattern


Active Power-Down Current


CKE: Low; External clock: On; tCK, CL: Refer to Component Datasheet for detail pattern ; BL: 81); AL: 0;


: stable at 1; Command, Address, Bank

Address Inputs: stable at 0; Data IO: FLOATING;DM:stable at 0; Bank Activity: all banks open; Output Buffer and RTT: Enabled in Mode Registers2); ODT



Signal: stable at 0




Operating Burst Read Current


CKE: High; External clock: On; tCK, CL: Refer to Component Datasheet for detail pattern ; BL: 81); AL: 0;


: High between RD; Command, Address,

Bank Address Inputs: partially toggling ; Data IO: seamless read data burst with different data between one burst and the next one ; DM:stable at 0; Bank


Activity: all banks open, RD commands cycling through banks: 0,0,1,1,2,2,... ; Output Buffer and RTT: Enabled in Mode Registers2); ODT Signal: stable


at 0; Pattern Details: Refer to Component Datasheet for detail pattern


Operating Burst Write Current


CKE: High; External clock: On; tCK, CL: Refer to Component Datasheet for detail pattern ; BL: 81); AL: 0;


: High between WR; Command, Address,

Bank Address Inputs: partially toggling ; Data IO: seamless write data burst with different data between one burst and the next one ; DM: stable at 0; Bank


Activity: all banks open, WR commands cycling through banks: 0,0,1,1,2,2,... ; Output Buffer and RTT: Enabled in Mode Registers2); ODT Signal: stable


at HIGH; Pattern Details: Refer to Component Datasheet for detail pattern


Burst Refresh Current


CKE: High; External clock: On; tCK, CL, nRFC: Refer to Component Datasheet for detail pattern ; BL: 81); AL: 0;


: High between REF; Command,

Address, Bank Address Inputs: partially toggling ; Data IO: FLOATING;DM:stable at 0; Bank Activity: REF command every nRFC ; Output Buffer and



RTT: Enabled in Mode Registers2); ODT Signal: stable at 0; Pattern Details: Refer to Component Datasheet for detail pattern


Self Refresh Current: Normal Temperature Range


TCASE: 0 - 85°C; Auto Self-Refresh (ASR): Disabled4); Self-Refresh Temperature Range (SRT): Normal5); CKE: Low; External clock: Off; CK and


























LOW; CL: Refer to Component Datasheet for detail pattern ; BL: 81); AL: 0; CS, Command, Address, Bank Address, Data IO: FLOATING;DM:stable at 0;



Bank Activity: Self-Refresh operation; Output Buffer and RTT: Enabled in Mode Registers2); ODT Signal: FLOATING


Self-Refresh Current: Extended Temperature Range (optional)6)


TCASE: 0 - 95°C; Auto Self-Refresh (ASR): Disabled4); Self-Refresh Temperature Range (SRT): Extended5); CKE: Low; External clock: Off; CK and

























LOW; CL: Refer to Component Datasheet for detail pattern ; BL: 81); AL: 0; CS, Command, Address, Bank Address, Data IO: FLOATING;DM:stable at 0;



Bank Activity: Extended Temperature Self-Refresh operation; Output Buffer and RTT: Enabled in Mode Registers2); ODT Signal: FLOATING


Operating Bank Interleave Read Current


CKE: High; External clock: On; tCK, nRC, nRAS, nRCD, nRRD, nFAW, CL: Refer to Component Datasheet for detail pattern ; BL: 81); AL: CL-1;


: High


between ACT and RDA; Command, Address, Bank Address Inputs: partially toggling ; Data IO: read data bursts with different data between one burst and


the next one ; DM:stable at 0; Bank Activity: two times interleaved cycling through banks (0, 1, ...7) with different addressing ; Output Buffer and RTT:


Enabled in Mode Registers2); ODT Signal: stable at 0; Pattern Details: Refer to Component Datasheet for detail pattern


RESET Low Current


RESET : Low; External clock : off; CK and




Command, Address, Bank Address, Data IO : FLOATING ; ODT Signal :



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Image 22
Contents Datasheet Rev History Draft DateTable Of Contents DDR3L Unbuffered Dimm Ordering Information Key FeaturesAddress Configuration Speed DDR3-800 DDR3-1066 DDR3-1333 DDR3-1600 UnitX72 Dimm Pin Configurations Front side/Back side Pin Front BackSPD and Thermal Sensor for ECC UDIMMs Pin DescriptionPin Name Description Symbol Type Function Input/Output Functional DescriptionDram Pin Wiring Mirroring Address Mirroring FeatureConnector Pin Dram Pin Rank Function Block Diagram SCL SDA Event SA0 SA1 SA2D14 AC & DC Operating Conditions Dram Component Operating Temperature RangeAbsolute Maximum Ratings Absolute Maximum DC Ratings11.1 AC & DC Logic Input Levels for Single-ended Signals AC & DC Input Measurement LevelsVIH.DQDC90 Vref Tolerances Illustration of Vrefdc tolerance and Vref ac-noise limitsDifferential Signals Definition AC and DC Logic Input Levels for Differential Signals35V TBD Single-ended Requirements for Differential Signals TimeDifferential Input Cross Point Voltage CK, DQS VselAC & DC Output Measurement Levels Slew Rate Definition for Single Ended Input SignalsSlew rate definition for Differential Input Signals Single Ended AC and DC Output LevelsSingle-ended Output Slew Rate SRQseDifferential Output Slew Rate Differential output slew rate definitionIDD specification definition Symbol DescriptionDatasheet M391B5773DH0 2GB256Mx72 Module DDR3-1066 DDR3-1333 DDR3-1600 Symbol 11-11-11 UnitIDD Spec Table M391B5273DH0 4GB512Mx72 ModuleInput/Output Capacitance CZQElectrical Characteristics and AC timing Refresh Parameters by Device DensityDDR3-1066 Speed Bins Speed Bin Table Notes DDR3-1600 Speed Bins CL-nRCD-nRPDatasheet Timing Parameters by Speed Grade Timing Parameters by Speed BinMIN MAX Reset Timing Jitter Notes Timing Parameter Notes ZQCorrection TSens x Tdriftrate + VSens x VdriftratePhysical Dimensions 18.1 256Mbx8 based 256Mx72 Module 1 Rank M391B5773DH018.2 256Mbx8 based 512Mx72 Module 2 Ranks M391B5273DH0