Service Mode
The pattern shows lines of one pixel.
Near six lines on the displayed pattern, a screw is drawn with a number next to it (e.g. if displayed in green = corresponding with the screws and numbers on the green LCD panel).
When turning a screw in the direction marked by the arrow above the displayed screw on the screen, the line on the screen moves in the direction of the straight arrow.
Green focusing
a. Adjust the projection lens until optimum focus for the lines 5 and 6 is obtained.
b. Turn screw 4 for optimum focus of the corresponding green line 4 on the screen.
c. Turn screw 5 for optimum focus of the corresponding green line 5 on the screen.
d. Turn screw 6 for optimum focus of the corresponding green line 6 on the screen.
The three alignments influence each other, therefore repeat if neces- sary the above three steps (b,c and d).
When the green pattern is correctly focused, press EXIT to return to the Test pattern menu.
Red on green convergence.
Use the control disk to hightlight Red on green and press ENTER to display the Red on green test pattern.
The longest lines are the red lines. These lines must be converged with the green lines.
The drawn screws and numbers are displayed in red.
Follow next steps :
a. Adjust first screws 4, 5 and 6 to obtain an optimum focus for respective lines 4, 5 and 6.
Due to interaction, it may be necessary to repeat step a several times.
Follow next steps to converge the red lines with the green lines :
b. Start with screw 2 and adjust for optimal convergence of line 2.
c. Adjust screw 3 for optimal convergence of line 3.
Due to interaction repeat above two steps (b and c) if line 2 and possibly line 3 is misaligned.
If both lines are correctly converged, continue with screw 4. Adjust screw 4 until line 4 is correctly converged. It is possible that line 2 and 3 have to be reconverged. If so, repeat procedure for screw 2 and 3 (step b and c)
If line 2, 3 and 4 are converged, continue with line 1 (screw 1).
When line 1 is converged, check again the convergence of lines 2, 3 and 4. If necessary repeat the above procedure for the correspond- ing lines.
Check if lines 5 and 6 are correctly converged. If so, press EXIT to return to the Test pattern menu and continue with Blue on green. If not yet correctly converged, check the distance between lines 5 and 6 of the red pattern and the distance between lines 5 and 6 of the green lines.
| 4 |
| 1 |
6 | 5 |
3 | 2 |
| 4 |
| 1 |
6 | 5 |
3 | 2 |
Green |
Blue on Green |
Red on Green |
Hatch |
| 879b |
4 |
1 |
6 | 5 |
3 | 2 |
5975348 BARCOVISION 8200 210497 |
| |