Output Relay Displays
Enter Relay No. |
(00 = Quit) | 01 |
02A EV ZL ZT STT 0 0 0 00
02A EV ZL ZT STP – – 0 00
Upon pressing ✱80, this screen will appear. Enter the Relay Number 01, 02, 03, or 04 for a 4204 (or 00 to end these entries). Press the [✱ ] key to continue.
The [✱] key is used to accept an entry and advance to the next prompt. The
[#]key is used to revert back to the last question to check or change an entry. Press [ ✱] to go forward again.
This screen displays a summary of the current Relay START programming (for this example, relay 02 has been selected).
Press the [ ✱] key to continue.
This screen displays a summary of the current Relay STOP programming. Press the [ ✱] key to continue.
| 02 | Relay Action |
| No Response | 0 |
| |
| |
| 02 | Start Event |
| Not Used | 0 |
| |
Enter the desired relay action as listed below. Press the [✱] key to continue.
0 | = No response | 2 = Close and Stay Closed |
1 | = Close for 2 seconds | 3 = Continuous Pulse on & off ( 1 sec ON, 1 sec OFF) |
Enter the event to START the relay:
0 = Not used; 2 = Fault; 1 = Alarm; 3 = Trouble
A zone list must be used in conjunction with an event. If a zone type/system operation is to be used instead of an event, enter 0.
Press the [ ✱] key to continue.
| 02 Start: | Zn List |
| |
| No List | 0 |
| 02 Start: | Zn Typ |
| Not Used | 00 |
| 02 Stop: | Zn List |
| No List | 0 |
| |
| 02 Stop: | Zn Typ |
| Not Used | 00 |
02A EV ZL ZT STT 0 0 0 00
02A EV ZL ZT STP – – 0 00
If a zone list will be used to START the relay action, enter the zone list number (to be programmed in field ✱81): 1, 2, or 3. If not used, enter 0. Press the [ ✱] key to continue.
If a zone type or system operation will be used to START the relay action, enter the appropriate
| |
00 | = Not Used | 05 | = Trouble Day/Alarm Night | 08 = 24 Hr Aux |
01 | = Entry/Exit | 06 | = 24 Hr Silent | 09 = Fire |
03 | = Perimeter | 07 = 24 Hr Audible | 10 = Interior w/Delay | |
04 | = Interior Follower |
| ||
20 | = | 33 = Any Burglary Alarm | 39 = Any Fire Alarm | |
21 | = | 34 = Code + # + 7 Key Entry | 40 = Bypassing | |
22 | = Disarming (Code + OFF) | 35 = Code + # + 8 Key Entry | 41 = AC Power Failure | |
31 | = End of Exit Time | 36 | = At Bell Timeout** | 42 = System Batt. Low |
32 | = Start of Entry Time | 38 | = Chime | 58 = Duress |
| **Or at Disarming, whichever occurs earlier. |
If a zone list will be used to STOP, or restore, the relay action, enter the zone list (ZL) number 1, 2, or 3 (to be programmed in ✱81 mode). If not used, enter 0.
Press the [ ✱] key to continue.
If a zone type or system operation will be used to STOP the relay action, enter the appropriate two digit code (see the "ZT" choices listed above). If not, enter 00. Press the [✱] key to continue.
This screen again displays a summary of the current relay START programming.
Press the [ ✱] key to continue.
This screen again displays a summary of the current relay STOP programming. Press the [ ✱] key to continue.
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