VistaQuest N7227V5 To Program System Status and Restore Report Codes 60 68, 70

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Example 1. Pager displays: 1 2 3 4 9 1 1 0 0 4 Ê

This indicates that Subscriber No. 1234’s system is reporting an Alarm (911), due to zone 4 being faulted (004).

Example 2. Pager displays: 1 2 3 4 0 0 1 0 0 5

This indicates that Subscriber No. 1234’s system is reporting an opening (001) by User 5 (005).

Note that no restore reports are sent to the pager.

Important: Do not use AAV when Paging or Alarm Reports are being sent to a Secondary number. If this is done, the call to the Secondary number by the communicator after the alarm report will prevent the AAV from taking control of the phone line, and the AAV “Listen in” session cannot take place.

Press 48 15-SECOND DIALER DELAY, BURGLARY Enter 0 for no, or 1 for yes. Default is 0 (no delay).


Select the desired test report interval.

0 = none; 1 = 24 hours; 2 = weekly; 3 = 30 days. Default is 0 (none). Test Report Code entered in field 64 is sent. Reports with Subscriber No.

Press 50 SESCOA/RADIONICS SELECT 0 = Radionics (0–9,B–F reporting) 1 = SESCOA (0–9 only reporting)

Select 0 for all other formats. Default is 0.

With a 3+1 or 4+1 Standard Format: Enter a code in the first digit box: 1–9, 0, B, C, D, E, or F. Enter "# + 10" for 0, "# + 11" for B, "# + 12" for C, "# + 13" for D, "# + 14" for E, "# + 15" for F.

A "0" (not "# + 10") in the first digit box will disable a report.

A "0" ( not "# + 10") in the second digit box (if any) will result in automatic advance to the next field when programming.

With an Expanded or 4+2 Format: Enter codes in both boxes (1st and 2nd digits) for 1–9, 0, or B–F, as described above.

A "0" (not "# + 10") in the second box will eliminate the expanded message for that report.

A "0" (not "# + 10") in both boxes will disable the report.

With Ademco Contact ID Reporting: Enter any digit (other than "0") in the first box, to enable zone to report This is an "enabling" code only and is disregarded in the actual reporting to the central office. Entries in the second boxes will be ignored.

A "0" (not "# + 10") in the first box will disable the report.





For Code 3 (Single Digit), enter:




For Code 32 (Two Digits), enter:






For Code B2 (Hexadecimal) enter:



# + 11




This will be sent if a zone goes into trouble.


This will be sent when a zone is manually bypassed.


Reports with Subscriber No. Timing of this report is random with up to a 48-minute delay. The Restore report has a random delay of up to about 12 minutes. If AC restores before the report goes out, there is no AC restore report.

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Contents VISTA-10SE Recommendations For Smoke And Heat Detectors Recommendations For Proper Intrusion ProtectionTable of Contents Relay Output Devices Sequential Mode For 5800 Series Wireless Transmitters SectionList of Figures HOW to USE this Manual Conventions Used in this Manual Wireless Expansion General DescriptionAC Power Supply Back-Up BatteryOptional Phone module Supports the Ademco 4285 Phone module Communication FormatsMounting the Cabinet Installing the ControlInstalling the Lock if used Relay Unit if installed in cabinet Standard Phone Line Connections Standard Telephone Line ConnectionsWiring The AC Transformer Installing The Back-Up BatteryWiring Table Do not Connect the Wires to the Battery YETKeypads That May Be Used Installing Remote KeypadsWiring To The Keypads Mounting the Keypads Keypad Connections To The Control BoardPreliminary Check-out Procedure Using a Supplementary Power Supply For KeypadsBasic HARD-WIRED Zones Installing the Hard-Wired ZonesWiring Burglary and Panic Devices To Zones Wiring 4-Wire Smoke/Combustion Detectors on ZoneProgramming Hard-Wired Zones Zone Types Programming Check-Out Procedure For Hard-Wired ZonesSpecial Notes on Zone Wireless RF Zone Expansion 5800 RF Systems Wireless Systems AvailableSeries Receiver Wireless Zones Wireless System Operation and Transmitter SupervisionTransmitter Battery Life Wireless System Installation AdvisoriesInstallation and Setup of the 4281/5881 Wireless Receivers Receiver SupervisionSeries Transmitter Setup BoardSetting the DIP Switches On 5700 SeriesRefer to the Compatible 5700 Series TransmittersDIP Switch Tables for 5700 RF System Wireless Devices Compatible 5700 Series Transmitters Model Product Zone/ID # DescriptionProgramming the Control For a 5700 Wireless System Using the House ID Sniffer Mode 5700 SystemsEnter your Installer Code + # + Zone Programming For 5700 TransmittersProgramming Guide Systems Enter the Installer Code + # +Programming 5700 RF Series Transmitter Setup Compatible 5800 Series Transmitters TempProgramming the RF Transmitters 5800 RF Systems GBDEnrolling Through Zone Programming RF House ID CodeEnrolling 5800 Transmitters Into The System ZN ZT RC In L 0 0 0 0 RF Recommend that you confirm the programming of every Transmitter before proceeding to the next zoneTransmitter ID Check-Out Procedure for Wireless ZonesSniffer Mode Go/No Go Test Relay Modules Relay Output DevicesRelay Device Basics Alarm Programming Output Relays Choices for Zone Types Example of Output Relay Programming Installing the Phone module Phone Module WiringPhone Module General InformationTerminal Connects to Caller ID UnitsWiring Notes 4285Programming The Control For Phone Access Press 95. Ring Detection CountVoice Answering Module Downloading Field 95 ProgrammingTo Check Phone module Operation From an Off-Premises Phone Checking the Operation of the 4285 Phone moduleTo Check Phone module Operation From an On-Premises Phone External Sounders Press 30. Alarm Bell Timeout Testing the SounderSounder Connections Press 51. Confirmation of Arming DingConnection Long Range RadioGeneral Information Programming Audio Alarm Verification AAVWiring Connections Connection Of AAV Unit When Not Using a 4285 Phone module Final Power UP To bypass this delay, press # +Calculating the Battery Size Needed ExampleMaking the Battery ConnectionsDevice Current # Units Total Current Total =Entering Zone Descriptors program menu mode SectionProgramming the Descriptors PressO R Alternate Method For Programming Zone Descriptors Press 6 to accept the selected wordPress 8 to save all words in memory Method Alpha Vocabulary List For Adding Custom WordsSequential Mode For 5800 Series Wireless Transmitters Serial # ↑ Page System Communication Following describes each format in greater detailAdemco Contact ID Reporting takes the following format +1/4+1 Report Standard ExpandedCommunication Programming Table of Contact ID Event CodesPress 45 Phone System Select Enter 1 digit default = Press 46 Report FORMAT, PRIMARY/SECONDARYPress 47 SPLIT/DUAL Reporting To Primary Phone No To Secondary Phone NoTo Program System Status and Restore Report Codes 60 68, 70 Press 60 Trouble Report CodePress 61 Bypass Report Code Press 62 AC Loss Report CodePress65 OPEN/EXIT Alarm Report CODE, 1st Digits Press 67 RF XMTR. LOW Battery Report CodePress 68 Cancel Report Code Press 70 Alarm Restore Report CODE, 1st DigitPress 74 LOW BAT Restore Report Code Press 75 RF XMTR. LOW Battery Restore CodePress 92 Number of Reports in Armed Period Press 94 Download Phone NumberTesting the System Test ProcedureTo the Installer System Operation To program a Duress codeTo change the Duress code To delete the Duress codeFeatures for Each Arming Mode Keypad FunctionsDisarmed, Not Ready Forced Quick BypassKeys Displayed as Zone If usedRelay Outputs Security Code + # +Trouble Conditions See Troubleshooting Guide also Troubleshooting Guide System including WirelessControl Read the Instructions PleaseBefore you call Technical Support, be sure you Specifications & Accessories SpecificationsVISTA-10SE Security Control Remote Keypad Remote KeypadsZones With the Ademco VISTA-10SE Transmitter ModuleRelay Module Phone Module Accessories Compatible Devices No CNAdemco 702 Outdoor SirenFederal Communications Commission FCC Part 15 Statement Federal Communications Commission FCC Part 68 StatementUL Notices Canadian Department of Communications DOC Statement Limitations of this Alarm System ADT VISTA-10SE Summary of Connections Ademco Limited Warranty