Test Procedure
After installation is completed, the System should be carefully tested, as follows:
1.With the System in the disarmed state, check that all zones are intact. If a NOT READY message is displayed, press the [✱] key to display the faulted zone(s). Restore faulted zone(s) if necessary, so that the READY message is displayed.
2.Enter the security code and press the TEST key.
The external sounder will sound for 1 second. If the backup battery is discharged or missing, the sounder may not turn on and a LOW BATTERY report will be transmitted with a TEST report.
Note that the keypad will beep once every 40 seconds as a reminder that the system is in the Test Mode.
3, Fault and restore every sensor individually to assure that it is being monitored by the system. Each time a protection zone is faulted, the keypad will sound 3 beeps, and the identification of each faulted protection zone should appear on the keypad display.
Note: For 5800 wireless systems, triggering a zone set to
4.Walk in front of any interior motion detectors (if used) and listen for the required sound as movement is detected. The identification of the detector should appear on the display when it is activated.
Note: Wireless motion detectors (Passive Infrared units) will send signals out only if they have been inactive for 3 minutes.
5.Follow the manufacturer's instructions to test all smoke detectors, to ensure that all are functioning properly. The identification of each detector should appear on the display when each is activated.
6 Turn off the test mode by entering the security code and pressing the OFF key.
Alarm messages will be sent to the Central Station during the following tests. Notify them in advance that tests will be in progress.
7.Arm the system (STAY) and fault one or more perimeter zones. After 15 seconds, silence alarm sounder(s) by entering the security code and pressing OFF .
Arm the system AWAY, and check the Entry/Exit zones for the programmed exit and entry delays.
8.Check the
If a key (or key pair) has been programmed for silent emergency, there will be no audible alarms or displays, but a report will be sent to the Central Station.
If a key (or key pair) has been programmed for Fire, the keypad and external sounder will emit an interrupted alarm sound, and ALARM, FIRE, and zone number will be displayed.
Silence alarms by entering the security code and pressing OFF.
9.If Output Relay Units have been installed, test their programmed action.
10.Notify the Central Station when all tests are finished, and verify results with them.
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